About the Battle Barge Comic

The Battle Barge is a humorous webcomic set in and around a small gamestore. The store is located in a city in the Midlands of England, and is situated in the commerical centre of the city.

The name for the comic comes from my preexisting Warhammer 40K forum, also called The Battle Barge and originally started to be a comments forum for my old 40K website. The forum was eventually discontinued but before then the members suggested using the name for a webcomic. Since I had been threatening to start a comic for some time, I shrugged, got dressed and went to the shops to buy some drawing supplies.

The comic was completed at the end of 2009 and has had a small but dedicated following of fans. The site and comic were recently moved to a new umbrella site and are now part of the DaftWorks multimedia publishing organisation.

About the author

Dave Hughes, also known in some forums as Selezen, was a web designer working for the NHS in Derby, UK during the publishing run of the comic. He is married to the lovely Anne and is stepdad to her three children.

He has been drawing since his school days, but was never able to get the hang of drawing people. He turned to computer graphic design when he received my first computer able to handle a drawing package. That was when he was about 14. He usually draw space ships and stuff like that. He creates and textures 3D models using the Wings3D package. His efforts to draw spaceships can be seen in the Oolite development project, to which he submitted ship designs and expansion packs for. His other works can also be seen via his DaftWorks site

Other interests include wargaming and roleplaying (hence the subject of the comic), web design, computing and playing Elite and its variants. He is also an avid builder of model kits when I have the time, and I spend a lot of time hanging around on forums. He also designs and markets card model kits and games via his MadCap Models business.