Battlebarge Shop - hosted by Spreadshirt!

29 January 2008
182 - Easy with the brightness control!

Osmond29 January 2008

No news. Too busy showing Dave how to use his glowing finger.

Comments for this comic

On 29 January 2008 at 06:45:32, lord siwoc said:
Dave phone home!!! Hehe...

On 29 January 2008 at 10:37:29, Dufflious said:
Is this where they all don Blue or Red outfits and ride vectored motorcycles? Nice work as ever, Dave. Thanks for blinding me this morning ;P

On 29 January 2008 at 11:27:33, Marn said:
Dave has the power, it seems.

On 29 January 2008 at 12:42:31, felipe said:
Amazing! Now I know from where E.T. come form! Dave phone home!

On 30 January 2008 at 14:57:11, allan said:
What is going on? Its all so complicated! ARGGHHH!!! But still great.

On 30 January 2008 at 19:14:01, Captain Hesperus said:
Ahhhh! Dave broke the Webcomic! He burned a hole clean through and now all my computer's gubbins are visible. Wait, no they're not. I can't see the auxilliary hamster power unit.

On 31 January 2008 at 20:28:12, Bob Long said:
Dave: "It's full of stars!"

On 01 February 2008 at 12:02:25, redsion said:
I love it when Simon gets these big eyes. :D


The Boids, by Campbell and Merrill Turn Signals on a Land Raider Every Nine Minutes Irregular Webcomic! Ninjabread! Exterminatus Now Naught Framed! (Archived) Refried

Creative Commons License The Battle Barge by David T.W. Hughes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
All characters and situations used herein are fictitious and any relationship to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental (apart from Dan and Brendish, who asked to be in it). Any mention of Games Workshop intellectual property is incidental and is used without permission and without intent to profit.

site hosted with phpToon (modified and cut down from aspToon) by Dave Hughes