Internet = society

Tue, 18 October 2011
A conversation with a friend from work today resulted in me typing out something I usually say at meetings about web sites. Since it was typed I though it would be good to record it for posterity. “Once a website is live, the work is not done. The real work is, in fact, only just beginning if you want the website to be successful and dynamic. Someone will have to monitor, update and repair the website all the time. There will be no thanks for it and there will be no recognition for ... Read More

Blackberry World

Tue, 11 October 2011
Oh lordy lordy, what am they gonna do??? Two articles have appeared on the BBC News website about Blackberry's services going down! (this is the second one). Not only is this world shattering enough to be on the BBC news site, but businesses (including the one I work for) are sending out emails about it to warn people that it was having problems! It's like the world is coming to an end! Blackberry goes down and suddenly no-one knows how they will cope, businesses think they are ... Read More

Basic Instructions

Tue, 20 September 2011
The last time I pimped a webcomic was when I was writing my own one, so it's been a while since I did this.  Many moons ago I discovered Basic Instructions. It's a definite laugh-fest. I recommend that everyone read it and learn some very useful things about yourself and others. I was prompted to pimp it because of the last two comics - this one and this one. Awesome stuff. Panel four of the first one there would be an awesome Demotivator (titled SUGGESTIONS). :-)

All the tears we cry...

Wed, 14 September 2011
When you cry, your tears evaporate, right? That means that they go into the atmosphere as water vapour. Water vapour rises and cools into clouds and once clouds get enough water in them, it rains. Does that mean that clouds cry the tears of the world?

Good Morning World

Wed, 14 September 2011
I have no idea where this came from. It in no way reflects my current state of mind. Good morning World, How are you today? Could it be that for a change, Nice things could come to play?   Yesterday was not the best, I remember being quite sad. I hoped for laughter and joy, but it all went very bad.   I lost my world, I lost my anchor and I don't think that's right. What did I do so wrong to end up in this plight?   What did I do to make ... Read More