Nine times out of ten, Amazon get it right. I'm an Amazon Prime customer. I get it solely for the free delivery and "guaranteed one-day service". As noted, normally there are no issues.
Lately, however, things seem to be changing. For one, the delivery drivers seem to be inconsistent in their ability to read instructions or actually work out how to safely deliver stuff. More on that sometime in the future.
This, however, is about what happens when Amazon FAIL to live up to their own guarantee and when "Amazon Logistics" can't even manage their own logistics.
What follows are the saved conversations over Amazon Chat from yesterday and today where I am trying to find out why a product has not been delivered. The reason I'm making this into an "open conversation" is that the so-called "Amazon Logistics" don't seem to have a clue how their own logistics work, and have no access to the information on the whereabouts of a product, the method by which it is being delivered or its actual location. Crazy.
In a world where the phrase "guaranteed" is taken ever so lightly, apparently, it's time people maybe started making this sort of ignorance and incompetence public. If it goes some way to providing evidence of how big companies can essentially treat people like sheep and help one other person get better service then it serves its purpose.
Enjoy. But not too much.
Me: My parcel has not yet arrived, and the delivery window closes in five minutes 8:56:42 PM
You're now connected to Lir from
Lir: Hello, Am I chatting with DAVID TW HUGHES? 8:57:16 PM
Me: you are indeeed :) 8:57:27 PM
Lir: Great. Can I have a moment to investigate this for you? 8:57:55 PM
Me: Yes, by all means 8:58:02 PM
Lir: Ok, you are indeed correct the item is Out For Delivery but the window has basically now closed. This deems your order as Late and we apologise we have not provided you with a quick and convenient service today. As a Small goodwill gesture I have extended your Amazon Prime Membership by 1 month. Your order will go out for delivery again tomorrow. 9:01:07 PM
Me: I appreciate the gesture, but it still doesn't guarantee delivery will be any more efficient tomorrow, does it. Is there any particular reason why the delivery has failed? 9:02:14 PM
Me: And the window has been closed for all of a minute - it was not closed when I contacted Amazon earlier and was assured it was en route. 9:02:38 PM
Me: And wasn't closed when I initiated this chat 9:02:48 PM
Lir: The tracking has not updated as to why the package has not delivered. It is technically still with the carrier and out for delivery but it is unlikely they will attempt delivery after the 9pm window. The tracking will update on the return of the item to the Carrier Facility. 9:03:47 PM
Me: There's no way to contact the carrier directly? Is the facility somewhere near my location? 9:04:59 PM
Me: I just don't fancy having to again ensure that measures are taken to ensure someone is available for the delivery through the whole day again tomorrow. 9:05:39 PM
Lir: We cannot contact the carrier facility directly. Even if we could it would be closed. If you would like I can stop the delivery of your order and return it to our warehouse for a full refund? 9:06:41 PM
Me: And how would cancelling the order resolve the problem? That's a bit like using a sledgehammer to shell a peanut. 9:07:27 PM
Me: No, I don't want to cancel the order. I just want to be sure that the delivery will progress as expected. 9:07:45 PM
Lir: The order will go out for delivery again tomorrow. This is an unusual tracking as no delay was mentioned and it was processed as normal. It should have no issue tomorrow. 9:08:38 PM
Me: Look at it from my point of view. The expectation for a non-timed delivery is to make sure someone is available to receive the delivery. If that delivery does not happen, then a suitable reason should be given. You have no way to find that out. Therefore the same situation could happen again tomorrow. 9:09:19 PM
Me: And there is supposed to be a system in place to notify the customer that a delivery has been "failed" - my phone number is registered with you for this very reason. All I want is a little clarity. If you can't provide that, then it would seem that there's something wrong with the system... 9:10:39 PM
Lir: The tracking will update on the return of the package to the Carrier Facility and we then will have an explanation as to why the delivery was not successful. 9:11:08 PM
Me: ...otherwise "guaranteed delivery date" is not really a true claim. 9:11:08 PM
Me: And will that explanation be passed on to me this evening? 9:11:21 PM
Lir: I cannot guarantee it. I have given you every piece of information available regarding this order. I can cancel the order or it will go out for delivery tomorrow. 9:12:29 PM
Me: I can't say I appreciate the "black and white" tone there, to be honest. :| 9:13:17 PM
Me: OK, fair enough. I will expect the delivery tomorrow. 9:13:32 PM
Me: But I feel that your attitude is starting to become inappropriate. I just want an explanation that will go some way to giving me some confidence that the delivery will actually happen. 9:14:08 PM
Me: I do not want to cancel the order. 9:14:13 PM
Me: If you cannot provide that explanation, then fine. 9:14:28 PM
Lir: Great, I'm sure the delivery is successfully made tomorrow. 9:14:34 PM
Lir: Have a great evening. We look forward to hearing from you again. 9:16:02 PM
Lir from has left the conversation.