Robert Aspirin

Tue, 12 July 2011
Another post about death, sorry. I was looking up Robert Aspirin's biography to find out about his "MYTH" adventures, and saw that he died in 2008. This is from Wikipedia's entry on his death: "Asprin died May 22, 2008, in bed, where he had been reading a Terry Pratchett novel." I can think of worse ways to go...

Regrets...I had a few...

Mon, 11 July 2011
On Sunday an American Football player named David Turner was shot and killed during an altercation with police in his hometown. Apparently he had been down on his luck since his playing days, and spent 30 years scraping a living. His former coach, Gerry Collis, said the following to press in response to the news: "“He was a marvelous kid. I loved that kid,” Collis said. “He called me a couple times and I didn’t get back to him. I wish I had now.”" I ... Read More

Quick Thoughts 1

Mon, 6 June 2011
Has anyone wondered if we're doing space exploration the wrong way round? We're spending billions on putting scientists into orbit to do experiments essentially to see what happens. No-one wants to spend loads of money on a trip to the moon or to Mars cos humans can't live there. Well why not spend billions researching ways to sustain human life in a dome or something then build one on the moon and then send one load of scientists to that dome to do all the science stuff? Makes ... Read More

Random Musings in the Absence of LEGO!

Fri, 13 May 2011
  LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean (or is it Carribean?) was launched today, and I can't find it anywhere. None of the usual online culprits have it for purchas eor even pre-order on Windows. Every other format is there, but not PC. I'm not a happy bunny.   I've been really into the Lego Star Wars Clone Wars game this last couple of weeks. I love the LEGO Star Wars games. They're quite freeform, cute and fun to play. Most importantly, they're relativly easy ... Read More

May the Fourth

Wed, 4 May 2011
The new, permanent subtitle of the site is Vis Vobiscum, which is Latin for "May the Force be with you." The annual Star Wars Day celebrations prompted me to thinking about the whole international movement to create an officially recognised religion around the principles of the Jedi, and the more I read about it the more I think that it's actually a very laudable idea. Think about the philosophy behind it (Taoism, Buddism etc). It's based on peace and the promotion of ... Read More