RIP Hightower

Thu, 4 August 2011
Bubba Smith, the former NFL player and actor famous to me for playing Moses Hightower in the Police Academy films, has died aged 66. RIP, Bubba.


Mon, 1 August 2011
So many TV programmes are being cancelled nowadays, it's not worth getting into anything. Oh, some of them are dire fare and deserve to go the way of the bin, but some of them look OK and should get a chance. The problem is that the market is saturated with similar programmes and the viewers are spreading their opinions between so many different shows that it's hard to keep up. Personal example: CSI. One concept, three different programmes to watch. For the last 4-6 months Anne ... Read More

Farewell to an icon

Thu, 21 July 2011
That's it then. The last flight of the space shuttle ended at 11.22am UK time today, 21st July 2011. Atlantis touched down after a perfect mission and added the full stop to 30 years of space shuttle flights.    Emotional? Me? Hang on whilst I drain the tears from the keyboard.   I've followed the shuttle since I was old enough to grasp what it was. Nearly thirty years of drawing spaceships (and handing the drawings to often frustrated primary school teachers) ... Read More

Do not feed the humanimals.

Fri, 15 July 2011
The following is part of a conversation I had today with a bloke at work. The conversation started about an article he'd read about how US citizens are up in arms that NASA has to rely on their old Cold War enemy for spaceflight seats now (at millions of dollars a pop). Then it diverged into politics - as usual. I thought this email was a good overview about how I generally feel about humanity and politics so it's Blog Fodder. In the dictionary, under “Corrupt” it says ... Read More

Quick Thoughts 2

Fri, 15 July 2011
Quote of the week: "I didn't go to school to learn. I went to school to learn how to learn." - Me. This morning. I did a google search for that after it popped into my head and didn't get any hits. So I'm claiming it.