
Thu, 18 August 2011
The different opinions on this social networking phenomenon could fill a book. People have asked me often where I stand on it, because I slag them off constantly yet I have a Facebook account and now a shiny new Google+ account. Well, here's the lowdown. If you care. Facebook is evil. It presents the front of a really useful application with many different things to attract users. It's great for keeping track of people you know (if they let you). I started a Facebook account ... Read More

New World Order

Tue, 16 August 2011
This is another of those posts that has a risk of becoming an essay. Yet again someone has said to me that I'm not allowed to have an opinion on politics because I don't vote. That's one of the most ignorant and invalid statements that people make to me, since they haven't bothered to ask WHY I don't vote. The baseline truth for me is that not voting is my democratic right. My decision not to vote is a decision I've reached through many years of observing politics ... Read More

Most depressing thing ever

Fri, 12 August 2011
My dad has terminal cancer. My friend told me this morning that his dad has prostate cancer. It's Friday, so it's comic catch-up day. One of the comics posted in the last week on xkcd is this (click to view) :-(

This Is Duuurbyshire

Thu, 11 August 2011
Reading the This Is Derbyshire web site, where the Derby Evening Telegraph hosts its online presence, is always frustrating. The articles are fine, don't get me wrong, but I have to worry about the demographic of the people who read it and then decide to post. Nine times out of ten, every comment gets some kind of brainless or argumentative response. Like this gem from today (names have been changed to protect the dumb)... Original Post "There was a crash involving two cars on ... Read More

Vive la revolution

Wed, 10 August 2011
Everyone else is commenting on the London riots, so maybe I should join in. That's what a bloog is for, after all, isn't it?   The thing is, though, I'm going to take a slightly different tack on the issue. One that might get me targetted for surveillance and land me in Guantanamo Bay. Maybe.   First, I think that the mindless violence and loss of life and livelihood is atrocious. There's no excuse for the wanton looting and destruction that these "kids" ... Read More