Elite Encounters - Where's It At?

What you talking about, Selezen? -- 12 May 2016 -- Comments: 2

Firstly, thanks to everyone out there for being so understanding and doing as I asked and not getting in touch so I could get on with trying to finish up the RPG. I haven'#t checked any of the comments sections n here yet, so my positive attitude that has built up over the last few weeks hasn't yet been diminished. I'm sure you guys have been understanding ans supportive though, right? RIGHT??

It is with great, pants-wetting terror that I now inform you that 10 minutes ago (from the time I started writing this) I submitted the 99.94832% complete text of the Elite Encounters RPG to Frontier Developments for approval. The only outstanding text to be written is the vehicle combat simulator section, which is still a WIP due to the collaboration between myself and Colin. Basically we ain't quite finished writing it up yet!

I have asked Michael Brookes at Frontier if it is OK to defer submission of that final section for a few days to allow us to work on it and get it written up, and he has graciously agreed. To be honest, I think that proofreading and vetting the existing 240,000 words will keep the Frontier guys busy for a few days anyway.

The email just before it was sent away...

So, as I'm sure you'll agree, a significant milestone. There's a light at the end of the tunnel and now I can focus on getting the VCS finished and then getting down to the graphics and layout in preparation for the three formats that are coming your way.

Once editing and approvals are done the softer formats, the MOBI and EPUB versions, will be finalised and released first, as they will not need the complex formatting and page borders that the high-res PDF and POD versions will need. So look forward to them being released once the approvals and edits have been completed. I'll keep you posted.

Onwards to victory!

Thanks again for your patience and support thus far.



Categories: Kickstarter


Mr W   25 May 2016

This is amazing news! Congratulations Dave on getting to this stage, particularly with the myriad of the more important things that have deservedly taken priority over the last year or so.

Please stay focused on the positive - myself, like I would imagine 98% of other backers, are genuinely very supportive of your work, yet it is sadly the vocal tiny minority that create so much friction.

Yours has been a creative endeavour of enormous scale. I can do nothing but salute your effort and dedication.

Very best wishes to you and your family.

Selezen   06 Jun 2016

Thank you Mr W. Your words mean a lot. :-)

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