Character Generation
This section of the manual presents all the information and instructions required to create a full and detailed character outline suitable for playing in the game.
Stage 1 - Assigning Traits and Assets
Pick a race and look up the Trait Initial Value Allocation Table to find the start values for Traits. 1D3 should be rolled for each trait and the result added to the value shown to give the final result.

In addition to the 1D3 roll, 3 extra free points are allocated to the Traits, and these may be added to whichever Trait the player desires. The final values from these calculations should be entered into the appropriate boxes on the TRAITS section of the character sheet.
Each Asset is linked to a Trait, and it is the value of this Trait that determines the initial value of the Asset. For instance, CONDITION is linked to both Strength and Stamina. This is visually represented on the character sheet by a dotted line joining the Trait to its linked Assets.

To calculate the values of the Assets, consult the following table:

The number displayed in the Asset Points column is the total number of point to be distributed between the two Assets linked to the Trait . For example, if CON was 4, then the player would have 3 points to distribute between Strength and Stamina.
Once these points have been allocated the player then rolls 1D6. These points can be distributes among the six Assets as desired, but an Asset cannot be boosted by more than 2 points using this method.
Stage 2 - Psionic Ability?
To check for Psionics, roll 4 D6. If the result is 10 or less, the character is psionically active.
The player should then roll 1D6+1 and enter this number in the PSI box on the Psionic Talent Database. The Psionic Experience Levels (all three of them) have a starting value of two. For every year of non-game time, the player must roll 1D6. If four or over is rolled, TePa (the first and easiest discipline) Experience Level is increased by 2. If 1 to 3 is rolled, it increases by 1.
When TePa reaches 5, subsequent increases may be used on TeVi (the next most complex discipline), but any increases to TePa, whether non-game or in-game, require more points than normal i.e. to increase TePa, 4+ will allow 1 point increase rather than 2 as noted above, and 1 to 3 will result in no increase. It is the same story when (if) TeVi reaches 5.
Due to Felinoids being more in touch with the psionic areas of thier brain, it is more likely that they will be psionically active. To illustrate this, when rolling for a Felinoid PSI check, reroll any sixes and replace the six with the new value. This can be done with all sixes rolled, but only on the first cast of the dice.
This rule must be noted all through the character generation process from this point onwards. Normally, psionic talents manifest themselves at the beginning of puberty, which is around the age of 10 Galactic Standard Years, hence this process signals the 10th year of the character’s life.
Stage 3 - The Learning Experience
Choose an Educational Background. Educational Backgrounds essentially give a character level 1 in a certain range of Talents, the exact nature of which depend on the Education chosen.
Basically, since basic education is completed by age 15 (which hones the character’s basic abilities - this is represented by the 1D6 roll added to Assets during Stage 1), Educational Backgrounds deal with career-oriented education. The player is by now expected to have some idea of what career he expects the character to enter (see Stage 4 below for the career listings).
The outline of each Educational Background is laid out below. A brief explanation of the terms used in the descriptions precedes the descriptions. Headings in italics denote a branch of the studies devoted to a single area of the career. Note that each course lasts one (1) year.
Educational Backgrounds
- REQUIREMENTS (REQ) - the minimum Trait values needed for the character to enter that course
- ASSET AWARDS (AWARD) - the Assets a character recieves +1 to through attendance of the course.
- FREE TALENTS (FREE) - the number of points allocated to Talents of the player’s choice as spare time learning. This will either be 1 or 2. For certain courses, Talents may be granted by name: these are in addition to the stated number
Ambassadorial College | ||||
WIS | 4 | PERCEPTION | Alien Customs | |
CHA | 4 | DIPLOMACY | 1 | |
Galactic Military Academy - Command Branch |
INT | 3 | REASONING | Stellar Flight | |
LDR | 4 | COMMAND | 1 | |
- Tactical Branch | ||||
DEX | 4 | ACCURACY | Stellar Combat | |
INT | 3 | REASONING | 1 | |
- Engineering Branch | ||||
DEX | 3 | KNOWLEDGE | Ship Engineer. | |
WIS | 4 | REASONING | 2 | |
- Marine Division (extra year) | ||||
CON | 4 | STAMINA | Combat, Armed | |
DEX | 4 | PERCEPTION | 1 | |
WIS | 4 | WILLPOWER | ||
Planetary Police Academy | ||||
INT | 3 | REASONING | Combat, Unarmed | |
WIS | 4 | PERCEPTION | 1 | |
Space Flight Academy | ||||
INT | 4 | KNOWLEDGE | Stellar Flight | |
WIS | 3 | REASONING | 2 | |
Space Combat Academy | ||||
INT | 4 | ACCURACY | Stellar Combat | |
WIS | 3 | 1 | ||
Space Police Academy
- Space Station Officer
INT | 4 | REASONING | Alien Customs | |
LDR | 3 | PERCEPTION | 1 | |
- OrbitSpace Officer | ||||
DEX | 3 | ACCURACY | Stellar Flight | |
INT | 4 | PERCEPTION | Stellar Combat | |
LDR | 3 | COMMAND | 1 |
Stellar Trading School | ||||
INT | 3 | DIPLOMACY | Alien Customs | |
CHA | 4 | RELATIONS | 1 | |
Stage 4 - Career Selection
Once the character’s education is complete, a career must be chosen. Entry into a desired career will be dependant on the levels of certain Traits and / or Assets. These will be noted in the career description.
Before choosing a career, the player must roll 1D6-1. The number rolled indicates the number of years the character will spend in that career before play begins. If, once the character has spent two years in a career, he wishes to change, then this can be done, but only a maximum of twice during character generation.
Note that a roll of zero is possible here (if the die roll is 1). This means that the character joins the game within a year of commencing employment. In this case, 2 points are given to the character to be spent on the Talents of the player’s choice.
For each year of the career before commencing play, the character is granted 2 points to spend, in addition to the career talents, on a choice of Talents to represent the character’s free time.
If a character has spent time in either Police Academy or Galactic Military Academy, his first career choice must be the relevant career within that area (ie. a graduate of Police Academy must join the Police for the first two years).
Note also that a character may elect to take a secondary career, which is basically an indication of what the character does to supplement his income. A suitable secondary career for an Intergalactic Trader would be a Bounty Hunter based in space.
Below is the list of careers, with main careers listed first followed by the secondary careers. Career descriptions are broken down as follows:
- DESCRIPTION (DESC): A brief description of the career.
- REQUIREMENTS (REQ): the levels of Traits and/or Assets required to enter the career. Italicised entries here refer to Assets.
- CAREER TALENTS: the Talents given either at level 1 or at current level +1 as experience for a year in the career. Italics denotes a career specific Talent.
- EQUIPMENT (EQUIP): equipment supplied freely by the career. This does not need to be bought, but must be given up if the character leaves the career.
YEARLY INCOME (INCOME): the amount of money the career pays each year, noted in Galactic Credits.
Commercial Pilot
- Planetary Pilot
DESC | Corporate public transport pilot | |||
DEX | 3 | PILOTING | ||
INT | 3 | DRIVING | ||
STAM | 3 | |||
INCOME | 5,000 | |||
EQUIP | Company Air/Ground vehicle | |||
- Stellar Pilot | ||||
DESC | Public space transport pilot | |||
DEX | 4 | PILOTING | ||
INCOME | 8,000 | |||
Computer Maintenance / Operator
DESC | Operates and maintains systems | |||
INT | 3 | TECHNICAL | ||
INCOME | 8000 | |||
EQUIP | Portable computer / Visidisplay |